Yardgem Shipping Inc

YARDGEM Denizcilik A.S. was established in May 2004 through a joint-venture between YARDIMCI Shipping Group and GEMSAN, two of the oldest and well established maritime sector firms in Turkey.
Yardımcı Shipyard and Gemsan Shipyard have been serving Turkish and foreign shipping interests by providing ship building, ship repair, maintenance and overhauling services since 1975 and 1983 respectively.
Yardgem Denizcilik A.S., has been established by the cooperation of these two well-organized ship building and repair companies with almost three decades of experience and operational excellence with a truly professional approach, a quick tumaround, dynamic and reliable organization to ensure cost effective solutions to Turkish and foreign ship owners' needs. We are fully committed to providing the best possible ship repair services to you.
Having this purpose in mind we have started our operations to offer optimum maintenance, drydocking, overhauling, steel and pipe renewal/installation, engine repair, blasting, painting, carpentry and upholstery, gas free, electric and electronic works and routine maintenance/overhauling works to our customers with the highest quality standards, reasonable pricing policy, reliable operation principles, an experienced Professional staff truly committed to utmost customer care and satisfaction.